I’m getting ready to go on a trip to see my Mom. I’ve been
getting prepared in
various ways for days. Two days ago I did all the laundry. I’ve been wearing
old stuff that I knew I wouldn’t want to take with me. Yesterday I cleaned. I
always feel better leaving if I know I will have a clean apartment to come home
to. Today I spent time with my kids, as I won’t see them for a week. Tonight I
showered and shaved my legs (always important when going on a trip. What if you
crash and end up in the hospital? Do you want the doctor to see you with
sprickly legs?). I counted the days and
counted out my pills (you don’t want to see me off my meds!). I thought ahead
to the events I would be attending and laid out what I would wear. I made sure
I had all my make up and personal hygiene products. I planned with
care. There will be things I forget, and things I bring that I won’t need, but
I’ve done the best I could to make sure I am ready for any situation.
But in your
hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do
this with gentleness and respect. I Peter
Just like I have prepared for my trip, the Bible says I
should be prepared. The result of life lived in faith is hope. Hope is attractive. It is a rare commodity.
People will want to know where your hope comes from. You should be ready to
share that with them.
So how do we prepare to talk to people?
First of all, we must be certain that we know where our hope comes from, and
the reason we have it. We study to know the steadfast nature of God, whose
promises are certain and true. We do the right thing, and in doing so we
receive the peace and strength that give us hope. Perhaps we write out our
testimony, our witness of how God is at work in our lives, and practice giving
it so that we can talk without stammering. We understand how to bring someone
into the presence of God so that they can find relationship. We spend time in
prayer, both for openness and insight into the heart of God and for the people
we spend time with, that they would be open to his touch.
If we never prepare
to talk to people, will we be able to share effectively? Sure. There will be
times that you have the exact right words to say, or that the Holy Spirit uses
you in the lives of others in miraculous ways. Being prepared doesn’t take the
place of the working of the Holy Spirit. Being prepared keeps you focused on
God. It helps you recognize opportunities, and gives you words so that you are
more confident. Being prepared helps you understand the amazing
ways that God is working in your life, and helps you articulate that to others.
We prepare for trips. We prepare dinner. We prepare lessons
and reports and financial statements. The motto of the Boy Scouts is Be Prepared! Lets not neglect the most important
preparation of all, preparing to share where we found life.