He walked into the temple,
the smell of wood smoke and incense wafting around him and flooding him with
memory and wonder. There was the smell of blood and sweat and people
everywhere. There were people from all over the world speaking in a multitude
of languages, calls of the money changers, prayers of the priests and people,
the bleating of animals about to be sacrificed. The walls were a riot of the
color of white marble and blue on the priests robes and gold and red. He was a
priest, a keeper of the mystery of a God who desired a relationship with his
people, and yet whose holiness kept him apart.
The idea that God wanted a
relationship with us, and that he would do whatever it took to make a way for
that relationship, was a huge mystery to even the angels. They didn’t get it.
They didn’t understand what was so special about us that God would go to such
great lengths to save us. That’s what we call the gospel. The mystery of the
ancient tabernacle and then the temple became the work of Jesus, and it is good
news indeed!
Because of the work of God on
our behalf, Jesus came and spoke the ancient words of mystery to those whose
hearts would respond to him. He told them,
To you it
has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it
has not been granted. Matthew 13:11
The people of Jesus’ day had
grown deaf to the ancient words, and their hearts were hard and cold. There was
no wonder or mystery for them. Jesus gave his words to his disciples, men and
women whose hearts were soft and responsive. Out of them he achieved God’s
desire, to have a relationship with them. Out of them he built his church.
Let a
man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. I Corinthians 4:1
The mystery of salvation, of
the wonder of a relationship between God and man, between Creator and his
creation, between Savior and sinner, has now been given to us. We are stewards
of this mystery, the keepers of grace who hold it out for our generation.
There is danger in losing the
wonder and mystery of our salvation. We take it for granted, forgetting the
lengths to which God went in order to be with us in relationship. We become
flip, forgetting whom it is we worship. We begin to see Jesus as a buddy
instead of a Savior, and forget that we need saving. We should never utter
light and frivolous words to the Creator of the Universe.
Worthy are
you, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for you did
create all things, and because of your will they existed, and were created. Revelation 4:11
was, and is, and is to come, and his word is true and remains. There is great
mystery, mystery of salvation and relationship, that is for us. When the
mystery is gone we need to get back in touch with the Holy Spirit. We need to
dip deeply into the words of God that remind us who he is, that we struggle to
understand and yet accept with gratitude.
are reminded of the mystery in worship. Bowing low before the God who loves
us, who fought Satan and won, and who bought our salvation reminds us of how
small we are, and of how amazing are the actions of God on our behalf. We are
so insignificant to be given so much. God is so big and we are not. We are so
resistant to him, never understanding how lost we are without him. We cannot
begin to fathom the bigness of our God. We don’t have the words.
For the testimony of God is the spirit of prophesy. And I saw
heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he who sat upon it is called
Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war. And his eyes
are a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems; and he has a name
written upon him which no one knows except himself. And he is clothed with a
robe dipped in blood; and his name is called the Word of God. Revelation 19:10b-13