Monday, March 3, 2014

Count Your Blessings

“In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  I Thessalonians 5:18

            The announcements had been made, the offering taken, and now it was time for special music.  There was a stirring from the back of the church, and heads turned to see what was taking so long.  An old man, legs twisted and gnarled beneath him, labored on crutches up the aisle.  His face was as twisted as his legs as he focused his complete attention on not falling up the two steps to the stage.  The expressions on the faces of the congregation were varied.  Some wore knowing smiles, others bore looks of incredulity.  Some just sighed.
The man settled in behind the podium and without accompaniment began to sing.  His face was transformed into a look that bespoke intimacy with God.  His voice, sweet and plain, lifted each one listening from distraction to the throne of God.

  “Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
 Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? 
Count your blessings, name them one by one. 
Count your blessings, see what God has done.” 

This man had learned the secret of gratitude.  By looking beyond our circumstances and into the heart of the Giver, we are transformed.
            Often when times are hard we are reminded to count our blessings.  “Got not shoes?  Be thankful you can walk!”  Like Pollyanna, we play the glad game.  We are told to always give thanks, and certainly when times are hard it can be encouraging to remember all that God has done for us. 
But what about when times are good?
            So many of us go through life blindly, ignoring the hand of God all around us.  We grumble about our boss, forgetting to be grateful for the job that was at one time an answer to prayer.  Our kids are messy and inconsiderate, yet we forget how blessed we are to have them as a part of our lives.  It’s raining, again, but how grateful I am for the water that causes my food to grow.
            Complaining becomes a habit.  Break it!  Put on an attitude of gratitude like your favorite jeans; often and whenever possible.  No matter your circumstances you have much to be grateful for.  God has provided life, abundant, free and eternal.  Like the old man who sang at church, draw near to God and say thank you.  You will be changed, and God will smile.   

1 comment:

  1. I took the liberty of rewriting one of your paragraphs: "I go through life blindly, ignoring the hand if God all around me. I grumble about my boss, forgetting to be grateful for the job that was at one time an answer to prayer. My kids are messy and inconsiderate, yet I forget how blessed I am to have them as part of my life. It's raining again, but how grateful am I for the water that causes my good to grow."

    It's now my word(s) for the day.

    Thank you, dear friend!
