Monday, October 21, 2013

Would God be able to trust you?

              Job experienced the ultimate test of faith.  He endured more tragedy in a single day than most people experience in an entire lifetime.  In the span of a few hours his servants were slaughtered, his possessions were stolen, and his children perished in a collapsing house.  And that was only the beginning.  Within a few days his body was covered with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.  His wife was no great encouragement.  “Curse God and die” was her advice.  His friends attacked him with a series of insufferable speeches.  Satan assailed Job’s faith as feeble and fleeting; “Let me have him, and he will surely curse You to Your face.”
            Job’s response to all this was remarkable.  Emotionally he was on a roller coaster, his mind desperately seeking answers, yet in the midst of the turmoil, Job personifies extreme faith by staking his fate and fortune on the trustworthiness of God.  In Job 13:15 Job shows the firmness of his faith; “though He slay me, I will hope in Him.”  In 19:25-26 he exposes the foundation His faith is built on. 

         “And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth.  Even after my skin is destroyed yet from my flesh, I shall see God…” Job 19:25-26

            Jobs faith amazes us.  His ability to hang on to the Truth that stands true outside of circumstance and emotion is an example to each of us.  Job must have felt abandoned by God, yet the reality of the situation is that at no time in Job’s life was God paying closer attention.  Job’s present reality was awful, yet he retained an eternal perspective that enabled him to see beyond the current events to a future where He would see God face to face.
            The truly amazing part of this story is God’s faith in Job.  Satan comes to God and tells Him that Job only follows Him because God has blessed him.  If God were to take away the blessing, Satan says that Job would curse God.  But God knows Job.  God knows the strength of Job’s faith and commitment to Him.  God knew Job well enough to know that He could trust Job with His very reputation.  We often forget that a relationship with God goes two ways.  As we grow closer to God and learn more of His nature and character, God is also growing closer to us, knowing our strengths and what our character holds.  While God’s knowledge is not limited like ours us, somehow He treasures a relationship with us, desiring to be our friend.
            Ephesians 6:16 calls faith our shield, able to extinguish the flaming arrows of Satan. With the shield of faith in his hand, Job was able to stand strong and steadfast against persecutions, temptations, and even the thoughts of Satan whispered in his ear.  Because of faith, we too can stand firm, even when we don’t understand the purpose of God.  Extreme faith, like that of Job’s, can be ours as we draw near to God, and trust in His character and friendship. 
            Some days I can relate to Job. I feel like God has handed me over to Satan, and I am wallowing in a dust pit, picking my sores. I am a bit of a whiner. I've not gone through anything compared to Job. Some of you are going through rough times. Money is tight. You're having to move. Your kids are having a hard time in school. Life is hard. But remember, not only can you trust God, but God is trusting you. You hold his reputation in your hand; he holds you in his hand. Somehow, I think we got the better end of the deal. 
          Rest in him. He is able. 
          with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.” 
Romans 10:10-11

1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen! You bring Job alive for me! Thank you for your amazing insights!
