Monday, August 26, 2013

God is seeking YOU!

The Bible tells us more than 25 times to worship the Lord.  We are told to worship in the splendor of holiness, to bow down in worship, to worship at His footstool.  We are told to kneel, to fall down, to bow down on the roofs, to worship in Jerusalem, to worship in service.  We are told to worship Him in gladness, in spirit, in truth, acceptably and with reverence.  We are told to worship Him for what He does and simply for who He is.  The only real common denominator is that we are to worship Him alone.

God alone is worthy of our worship and regardless of our physical or social position, regardless of where we are or our economic situation, regardless of our circumstances, we are to worship God.  God seeks worshipers.  He seeks people who recognize the truth of who He is in relationship to them.  He seeks people who worship in spirit and not just in body and form.

“An hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”  John 4:23

Before the birth of Christ, worship was done in one place, in one way, by ritual at the Temple.  With the coming of Jesus a new way was born; in spirit, our spirit communing with His, in the truth of a relationship.  For many, worship continues to be one way, in one place, that is in our local church during Sunday service. 

God wants more.  He wants us to have a relationship with Him, and to make every action and attitude a reflection of the Truth we’ve found in Him, and Him alone, our spirit communing and communicating with His.  Worship in truth and spirit is more than a ritual.  It’s a newness of life.

How do you worship? Worship is certainly at church. Corporately, our spirits united with other believers, lifted as an offering to God. As we sing the choruses and hymns that exalt God, that remind us of how perfectly amazing he is, we join with others to become greater than we are alone, united as the body of Christ. Worship goes beyond singing, however. Corporate worship can be the Life Group that is painting a room in a shelter together, for Him. It is the Mom’s group that meets together to wrestle with biblical truth, or the youth group that celebrates life together in play.

We also worship alone. In times of quiet as our spirit engages with the Spirit of God to learn and meditate on him, we are worshiping. Anything we do that is done to glorify God is worship. The widow who drives other elderly women to their doctor appointments is worshiping. A mother who bathes her children in prayer as she bathes them in water is worshiping. We sanctify any act by setting it apart and dedicating it to God. As we cook dinner or balance a budget sheet or sell another gismo, when we do it in an attitude of obedience and with an eye to the ability of God to redeem the mundane, it becomes worship.

God wants worshipers. He seeks worshipers. Will you live in spirit and in truth, dedicating every action to him? Will you give him your ordinary life and allow him to transform it into something that reflects his nature? It’s a scary thing to do. God is unpredictable. You never know what he might ask you to do, or how he might change things, or you. That’s what makes it exciting. 

Worship as a lifestyle is different. It's praying without ceasing. It's being willing to take that step out into the unknown and unseen with expectation of what God is going to do. You never know but you might end up flying!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love this April! I think I will be sharing this at my moms life group that will be starting up in a couple of weeks. Thank you! :)
